Community United Methodist Church

"A place to believe, belong, and be loved."

Community United Methodist Church in Lancaster PA has several immediate needs in the area of our music ministry.

We are currently looking to hire a part-time music director/worship leader. We are a small congregation that uses a variety of styles of music in our worship services, from traditional hymns to contemporary praise songs. Keyboard skills are a requirement. The position also entails directing a praise team.

We have a 9 a.m. service each Sunday morning, plus occasional special services. If you are interested in the position, or you know of someone who might have an interest in the position, please get in touch with me, Pastor Harry, at for further information.

The other need in the area of music is for someone to be on call, and available, for the next few months, to substitute for our pianist in the 9 a.m. worship service. Please get in touch with me if you know of someone who might be interested in serving in this capacity. Pastor Harry

Our worship service is 9 a.m. each Sunday, and our online service premiers each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. on our church Facebook page (link below).


Welcome to Community United Methodist Church in Lancaster, PA! We are a small congregation with a warm heart, a generous spirit, and a sincere desire to bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you visit us in person, or online through our weekly digital worship service and other online postings, we hope and pray that you will be encouraged and inspired by the ministries we offer.

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Pastor Harry L. Kaufhold, Jr

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Dianne Koser, Secretary

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Bob Krady, Janitor

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Walter Kondratowski
Audio Video Technician

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Steve Mitchell,
Organist / Pianist

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We are located on the East side of Lancaster, PA.


130 Tennyson Dr.
Lancaster, PA 17602



(717) 393-9182